Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Board meeting

We are now at the Board meeting for the ICS and are talking about using a Blog to talk about club business.


  1. wheeee! I get to post the first comment.

    Just want to say, it was a great meeting, great presentation and movie and great social time.

    Thanks ICS!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Great presentation by Tom. I hadn't seen the movie in a long time, so it was fun.

  4. If another member wants to post, they can write a comment and then click on "comment as" and pick anonymous or pick one of the other choices. I hope that members do add their names so we can identify. (the above Anon was me)--

  5. Thought I would try this and post a comment... Anyway, hats-off to Tom for his presentation and to John Weber for thinking to bring Blade Runner! I was one of the few to have not seen this movie before our meeting.
    Rick A.

  6. I had forgotten... just how much Blade Runner sometimes dragged in spots. A great presentation by Green Lantern Tom! I still want a Spinner, btw.
